Cris Jacobs Band 03-17-2018
Cris Jacobs Band 03-17-2018
Rams Head on Stage Annapolis Md.
In March of 2017 Rolling Stone declared Cris Jacobs as one of the 10 artist you need to know! They said; “Cris Jacobs’ 2016 album Dust to Gold snuck up on everyone, quietly announcing itself as one of the best roots-soul records in a year that also produced a new album from Sturgill Simpson. It’s the second solo LP from the Baltimore-based singer and guitarist, who cut his teeth as the front man for jam band the Bridge before striking out on his own.”
Well it’s now March of 2018 and I have been paying close attention to Cris Jacobs and the Cris Jacobs Band and I am here to tell you that Cris and his band just keep sounding better and better! With a funky flavor straight out of New Orleans, the Cris Jacobs Band is playing some of the finest original music and tasty covers that you might want to hear right now!
This band is just a recipe for Great music and a Great time! With Dusty Ray Simmons holding down the beat on the drums you couldn’t have a better start! With his tasty percussive choices the beats are consistently creative with seamless transitions.
Next we add the amazing bottom end bass of Todd Herrington who not only has great tone and energy yet also understands when to leave space for a song to breathe! Add the fact that Todd also sings harmony and well…. Can you say Amazing Talent!
That brings us to the guitar and vocals of Jonathan Sloane. As I think about what to tell you here, what comes to mind is being back stage one night when the band was playing with Amy Helm, they were rehearsing some songs when Amy got this huge grin on her face and then said; “Can He sing Harmony on all of my songs?” Add to that Jonathans awesome rhythm and lead guitar playing and this recipe is really starting to stew!
Cris Jacobs, the namesake of the band! A passionate and moving songwriter, a righteous guitar player, and vocals that are stirring and expressive! Couple this with a principled and noble person and this band is just taking off! As the band was leaving the stage for Cris to do a solo of “Samson & Delilah”, Cris said; “Best Band I’ve Ever Heard” (after a nice pause he said) “It’s Pretty Cool When Your Favorite Band Is Your Own”! The sincerity of his admiration for the other band members and their talent was unmistakable!
Individually these guys are all stellar and when you put them all together this band is something that if you have not experienced them yet, I invite you to do so now! I feel like I could talk about them all day however it won’t be until you listen to them for yourself that you too will be bitten! Their latest album, “Dust to Gold” is available online from various sources, however I recommend that you get to the next show of theirs and experience an incredible show and purchase it in person.
Please visit http://www.crisjacobs.com/ and check out the Cris Jacobs Band.
Peace & Blessings,