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Vance Joy ~ June 17, 2014 ~ Soul Kitchen, Mobile, AL

James Keogh and his band Vance Joy came into the country from Australia to a packed house at Soul Kitchen Music Hall in Mobile, AL.  As part of the 92ZEW free concert series, the lines were wrapping outside both ways down Dauphin Street waiting to get in for this hour long free show.  For those who made it inside, they were treated with Vance Joy’s tunes for a solid hour in the hot, sweaty mass of fans.  With the closing of their hit “RIPTIDE” all were left with full satisfaction.  Those lucky enough to hang around after the show had a chance to meet the tall Austalian, James Keogh for pictures and a quick meet and greet.  Kudos to 92WZEW and Soul Kitchen for bringing such a rising band to Mobile.  The band has a few more shows on their way to the Firefly Festival this weekend in Dover, DE and then back again in the United States for Lollapalooza.

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