Tegan & Sara/Lucius/The Courtneys – Lets Get Physical Tour – The Egyptian Room at Old National Centre May 10,2014
Written by: Zen Wild
Photos by: Tony Vasquez of Vasquez Photography
The Old National Centre is located in a nice slice of neighborhood in Indianapolis.There’s always something going on. As we’re approaching, a man is playing saxophone on the corner. You can even hear the sound of music ringing out from multiple bars and patios that aren’t so far away. Once we’ve gotten inside the building and made our way upstairs to the Egyptian Room, you might think that every girl in the area is at this concert, but it’s obvious they’ve come from far and wide. The crowd is at least 75 percent women. They’re out to support the bands they love, Tegan & Sara, Lucius, and The Courtneys. It’s girl power in mass abundance.
The Courtneys start off the night, and while they don’t play a long set, they pack as much energy into it as they can. Three women are in the band and they’re all named Courtney. They play bass, guitar, and drums, respectively. They have a pop-rock sound that really gets a person energized and feeling fine. As they finish, and the stagehands start to set up the stage for Lucius’ performance, the crowd begins to pack in closer to the stage.
Lucius begins they’re set with “Tempest,” off their album, Wildewoman. It’s a great opener. The energy from the song is amazing. This is the first time I’ve seen Lucius, although I have heard their album, and from the very beginning, I’m incredibly impressed with their vocal harmonies, their impeccable sense of rhythm, and as the night progresses, their use of dynamics.
The band has two female co-lead vocalists Jess Wolfe and Holly Laessig and three men, Dan Molad, Peter Lalish, and Andrew Burri, who sing backup vocals. Everything is harmonized. It comes off sounding so perfect, I don’t know how a person couldn’t be a bit in awe of it all. From the beginning, one of the women is playing a keyboard and the other is playing a synthesizer, and the three men are playing drums and two guitars. Throughout the night, the musicians are constantly switching instruments, and at one point on the opening song alone, four people are playing drums, while one guitar is still ringing out. I had to mention their use of dynamics, because they seem to have an innate knowledge of when to slow it down and make it soft, only to build it backup and let the music explode on its own.
I could mention multiple songs that were infectious during the set, but the one that really caught my attention was “Nothing Ordinary,” also off the Wildewoman LP. It has a catchy guitar groove laid down immediately, and by the time the music combusts in the chorus, the song has wiggled its earworm body into your aural canal. It will make you move, have no doubt, but it’s not the only song from Lucius that will do so. If you have the chance, catch their show. There’s no substitute for seeing them live.
Tegan and Sara come on stage after Lucius have finished up and the crowd is so thick, there is hardly room to move without touching someone. In fact, I don’t think it’s possible. The roar from all of their fans stretches for several moments and after saying a quick hello and uttering a word or two of appreciation, Tegan and Sara are off and running. They open with “Back in Your Head,” off their album, The Con, and by their third song, they play their hit, “Walking With a Ghost.” It’s immediately evident that it’s a song their fans never tire of hearing. The applause and cheers are thunderous.
After a few more songs,the band begins delving into newer territory, playing songs off their newest album, Heartthrob. The audience sings along to every one. As I’m dancing and listening, I found myself especially liking “I Couldn’t Be Your Friend.” Tegan and Sara have always written catchy choruses and lyrics that resonate with their audience. The pop-laced Heartthrob is no different. Their songwriting skills are still in full effect and they put on an excellent show, so I’m sure that all of their fans are just salivating, waiting for that next album. In the meantime, a person could always catch their live performance. Just be prepared, because you might find their songs stuck in your head for a few nights afterwards.
Photo Galleries:
Tegan and Sara: http://jamsplus.smugmug.com/TonyVasquezPhotography/Tegan-and-Sara
Lucius: http://jamsplus.smugmug.com/TonyVasquezPhotography/Lucius/
The Courtneys: http://jamsplus.smugmug.com/TonyVasquezPhotography/The-Courtneys/