PREVIEW: Strange Creek Campout, May 23-26, 2014, Greenfield, MA
One of the annual rites of Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial start of summer is finally upon us. This weekend, the town of Greenfield, MA will once again play host to the Strange Creek Campout at Camp Kee-Wannee. Presented by Wormtown Trading Company, this arts and music festival is now in its 12th year of existence and continues to offer adults and “older kids” a fun and unique camping experience with an incredible soundtrack.
This year’s headliners include Rusted Root, Zach Deputy, Donna the Buffalo and, of course, Max Creek, one of the festival’s namesakes. There’s also a vast selection of other music playing throughout the weekend on three different stages and the Wormtown Holisitic Village is home to a ‘Silent Bujak’ Dance Party with Jeff Bujak on Saturday night. Strange Creek also has a plethora of food and craft vendors as well as a legitimate disc golf course on site. It prides itself on being an inclusive, family friendly festival as well so that means plenty of things to do for both kids and adults. In fact, there’s no admission cost for kids 14 and under. Strangers Helping Strangers will also once again be accepting non-perishable food donations for anyone would like to support the cause.
The festival offers wooded camping which is exactly as it sounds – camping in the woods. One of the other established traditions of Strange Creek is the Community Bonfire which will once again be taking place. This late night, primitive celebration has a way of uniting the festival as a whole and is certainly a show unto itself. It’s here that the intimate and close-knit feel of this annual celebration really (and literally) comes to light.
Weekend tickets are still available and can be purchased at the gate for $125. The festival is allowing early entrance on Thursday night this year for an additional $25 but it warns that the gate will be closing shortly after midnight. Sunday only passes are $50 and can also be purchased at the gate. The one day option is only available for Sunday, however. For more information, including the music schedule, check out www.strangecreekcampout.com