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PHISH - June 14, 2011 - Alpharetta, GA
- Encore Park
a thrilling 2010 maiden voyage to the Verizon Amphitheatre
in Alpharetta GA, Phish decided on a return trip in 2011,
much to the delight of the Southern Phish Nation. Adding to
the excitement was the announcement that Phish would be
providing the two night run via webcast for anyone who did
not “follow the lines going South”. The anticipation of an
amazing adventure was palpable throughout the crowd.
The show on
Tuesday June 14 began with a blast of “Dinner and a Movie”,
an unexpected treat. The set continued with well-played
Summer 2011 staples, including a first-set “Fluffhead”.
Somewhere during “Ocelot”, it began to sound like the Dirty
South, and “Ginseng Sullivan” made it unmistakeable. “Kill
Devil Falls” made a good impression, but Traffic’s “Light Up
or Leave Me Alone” turned up the heat with intense peaks
that just kept coming.
The second set
opening “Carini” brought with it a delicious darkness, but
neither it nor “Sand” entered uncharted territory. However,
“Down With Disease” found the band flexing creativity
muscles and it worked wonderfully. Melting into “Maze” was
a nice surprise, with its menacing ferociousness.
“Meatstick” reminded the author of the 1999 show in Atlanta,
where the band first showed us their dance. The remainder
of the set was fun, standard Phish, winding down with a “Run
Like an Antelope” that felt a bit rushed out the door. An
encore of “Quinn the Eskimo” was a great way to end the
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PHISH - June 15, 2011 - Alpharetta, GA
- Encore Park
any Phish phan what they want from a show, and oftentimes
the response can be summarized by the phrase “awesome
experience”. Sometimes to our dismay, the Awesomeness is
provided by circumstances beyond control. In the case of
the second Alpharetta show, Mother Nature decided she was
going to dominate, frighten, pace, and inspire the entire
evening. Shortly after the gates opened and we settled into
the front of lawn, we were informed by the amphitheatre
staff that a strong storm was fast approaching, and were
told to move under the pavilion. A brief but intense squall
moved in, with winds that bent the pine trees almost
parallel to the ground, rain blowing sideways through both
sides of the pavilion, and ever-nearer lightning and
thunder. One intensely bright, loud flash-blast left an
electric smoky brimstone smell in the air, as a lightning
bolt obliterated a tree in the center back of the lawn; a
tall jagged stump was all that remained.
were wet, frightened, but glad (glad GLAD) to be alive, and
re-entered the lawn when told it was “safe”. Chris Kuroda’s
lights were tested and remained functional despite the rain
covers having been ripped off by the strong arms of the
wind. In a preshow conversation with friends, I divulged my
desire to hear “Paul and Silas” as the bluegrass nod that I
think belongs in every Phish show, and I was overjoyed to
hear it open the show! The next few songs were hit/miss as
potentialities like “Back on the Train” and an extended
intro to “Runaway Jim” dissolved unrealized. As Page sang
“Army of One”, there was a poignant realization that came to
fruition in the lyrics “I just can’t compete with the weight
of it all”. Despite the best efforts of the band and crowd
to energize the night, the Storm was returning, this time
with a vengeance that would coax darkness and fitting
discord from “Timber (Jerry)”, and would force the band to
abandon its foray into “Mound”.
The “setbreak” was courtesy of the
Storm, certainly not on Phish’s schedule, and it was filled
with cold rain, pelting hail, howling wind, and the purple
glow of lightning. Those who hadn’t already abandoned the
venue moved closer and closer, huddled together under the
pavilion. The pray-ers were praying, the hopeful were
hoping, and an Atlanta Braves “Tomahawk Chop” chant erupted
and echoed amongst the crowd. After what felt like an
eternity, the lightning moved far enough away that Phish was
able to re-take the stage.
as Trey promised before “Storm-break”, they returned to
“Mound” and the crowd was in a fun frenzy. “Tweezer” was
appropriately altered to tell us “It’s gonna be wet, wet,
wet!”, and although the transition to “Julius” was a bit
rushed, the jazz was working well and the peaks were great.
“Slave” unfortunately disjointed the groove, and “David
Bowie” didn’t fully get off the ground. “Suzy Greenberg”
absolutely lives in PAGE’S HOUSE, and he delivered a
blistering rendition. The “Birdwatcher/Kung” provided a
stats boost for folks, and the rain let up as we left the
venue after the “Funky Bitch/Tweezer Reprise” encore. Even
though the lightning occasionally complimented the music and
lightshow, the weather was a foe with the upper hand, and
the rain dampened the potential for a barnburner.
Fortunately, there’s another show around the corner, we’ll
try again next time!
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PHISH - June 17, 2011 - Charlotte, NC -
Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
How do I love Phish? Let me count the ways…and in Charlotte
NC, I was reminded of every reason that I love this band.
After the terrifying Show Storm of Alpharetta, I was just
grateful there wasn’t a dreary forecast. Then, upon an
early arrival to assist with the Phellowship table (sober
Phish Phan support at shows), I heard Phish soundchecking
“Dog Log”, and the excitement began to mount. When a MIKE’S
HOUSE sign was retrieved from the crowd, and Trey grasped it
between his teeth, and the band emphatically opened the show
with “Mike’s Song”, the audience knew we were in for a wild
ride. Phish collectively grabbed the reins, and we
journeyed through a lovely “I Am Hydrogen” and an enjoyable
“Weekapaug Groove”. A sweet “Bouncing Around the Room” led
to an “NICU” in which Trey yelled “LEO’S HOUSE!”, continuing
the playful theme that has been woven through Summer 2011
since Bethel’s “Makisupa Policeman”. Then quite
unexpectedly the opening chords of “Colonel Forbin” echoed
through the amphitheatre, and we stepped through the door
into Gamehenge; few things thrill a Phish Phan like taking
this journey, and even without a narration, the beautifully
played “Famous Mockingbird” soared through our souls. A
funky Type I “Wolfman’s Brother”, a slayingly intense “Axilla”,
and a hoe-down throw-down “Scent of a Mule” made sure a
complete Phish meal was served in that first set.
the amazing Charlotte show, my 14-year-old son Caspian (yes,
we named our son Caspian) led me to the center front of The
Pit during the sweetly peaked “Backwards Down the Number
Line”. The beginnings of “Rock and Roll” led to a fully
realized expectation of a jam; Phish delivered an absolutely
incredible Type II experience with several distinctly melded
movements, all of which were inventively explored. The melt
into “Ghost” was darkly delicious, and developed into
another musical adventure enjoyed by all. Capturing the
essence of wonderment, “Free” floated out of “Ghost”
seamlessly, and Mike Gordon’s bass spoke fluently. What
followed was a “Reba” in which Trey Anastasio reminded me
why he is one of my favorite guitarists in the world: the
exquisitely patient flowing fretwork was beautiful, and by
the time he hit THAT high note, I was fully entranced. Did
I mention how much I LOVE PHISH?! When The Boys stepped up
with the next segment, I could hardly believe what was
happening…Trey told us to “READ THE BOOK!”
His frenzied
words, matched by the harmonizing voices, pointed out “THIS
MAN” who would lead us to the Promised Land…ICCULUS! The
energy between the band and crowd could have torn a hole in
the sky! Page’s organ signaled “Hold Your Head Up” and
Johnny B. Fishman strolled front and center for an awesome
rendition of “Bike” and a roaring vacuum solo, that apparently
included “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, although my ears did
not detect it; this show absolutely has it all! Obviously
loving this night, Phish ripped a “Chalkdust Torture” and
then a fun “You Enjoy Myself” to close the second set. The
encore of “Wilson” sealed our fate—we WERE in Gamehenge!—and
then a “Loving Cup” ended the incredible evening on a
soaring high. How do I love Phish? In a million wonderful
ways; thanks guys!
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PHISH - June 18, 2011 - Raleigh, NC -
TWC Pavilion at Walnut Creek
complete our 2011 Summer Phishing, we travelled to Raleigh
NC where Walnut Creek awaited us. A friend of ours
yelled "Cars Trucks and Buses!" to Mike Gordon, who was
touring the pre-show lot in a golf cart, and Phish obliged
him with the opener. Then, after driving through three
states-worth of peaches, we finally got to hear the elusive
Frank Zappa instrumental, "Peaches en Regalia", and it was
well worth the wait. For two consecutive years, Walnut
Creek has been fertile ground for fun cover songs (check out
2010's "Time Loves a Hero" and the amazing "Light Up or
Leave Me Alone"), and along with "Peaches" we were treated
to Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Ballad of Curtis Loew". A major
first set highlight was "Halley's Comet", which Phish pushed
further and more successfully than they had all tour, before
abruptly segueing into "46 Days".
second set brought creative intensity and a little Phishy
magic to Raleigh. It was wonderful to hear "Twist"
open the set, followed by a nearly-perfect "Rift".
"Prince Caspian" featured fast flexible fingerwork from
Trey, and swirled outwards. Let me backtrack: my
sister-in-law and her husband worked hard before this show,
decorating three beach balls and a poster with one colorful
worked her way down front with poster held high, and
somewhere during "Caspian", Trey gave her a nod. She
came back to our seats, and although we clearly hear it on
the recording, we did not hear Page and his organ
circus-theme; we heard Trey quietly singing, and exploded
with joy as we realized Phish was playing her "Esther"!
The magical evening kicked into overdrive, and what followed
was the most unexpected turn of events. Guitar tech
Brian Brown was applauded as he brought something onstage,
some sort of vocal distortion-modulator. Then Phish
threw down yet another fun cover song, a rockin',
crowd-thrilling version of Jane's Addiction's "Been Caught
Stealing", played only once before, in 1998! Next came
an awesome onslaught of "Piper->My Friend My Friend->Kill
Devil Falls". Then the fully-charged Phantastic Phour
launched into the
realms of jamming with an intense "Split Open and Melt", and
Chris Kuroda made sure the face-melting was complete.
A high-energy "Golgi Apparatus" and "First Tube" closed the
set, and the Encore was an especially enthusiastic version
of Led Zeppelin's "Good Times Bad Times". Raleigh was
definitely one of the Good Times, and I look forward to many
more Good Times with Phish in the future!
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Review and Editing by: Rosemary A.W.
Photography by: Clayton Roberts |